Food business operators must ensure that cutting plants handling meat of domestic ungulates :
1) are constructed so as to avoid contamination of meat, in particular by :
(a) allowing constant progress of the operations; or
(b) ensuring separation between the different production batches;
2) have rooms for the separate storage of packaged and exposed meat, unless stored at different times or in such a way that the packaging material and the manner of storage cannot be a source of contamination for the meat;
3) have cutting rooms equipped to ensure compliance with the requirements laid down in Chapter V [Hygiene during cutting and boning];
This obligation does not apply in relation to:
(a) primary production for private domestic use;
(b) the domestic preparation, handling or storage of food for private domestic consumption;
(c) the direct supply, by the producer, of sma...Log in to see the rest ...
Direction départementale de la cohésion sociale et de la protection des populations (DDCSPP)
Regional Directorate for Food, Agriculture and Forestry