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Telepayment of the business property contribution
Legal obligation
Valeur d'entreprise, Financière
What are the risks ?
Valeur d'entreprise : 3
Valeur d'entreprise : 4
Financière : 60 % of increase - 2 % of increase
Financière : 40 % of increase - 80 % of increase
Financière : 0.2 % of interest
The balance of the Company Real Estate Contribution is due from 1 er December of the year up to December 15th. A 5% increa...Log in to see the rest ...

Companies and individuals who habitually carry out a self-employed professional activity with a turnover or income exceeding € 5,000 are liable to the CFE, regar...Log in to see the rest ...

Permanent exemption

The following organizations and individuals are permanently exempt from CFE, subject to a certain number of conditions :
  • Local authorities, public establishments and State bodies
  • Large seaports, autonomous ports, as well as ports managed by local authorities, public establishments or mixed economy companies (with the exception of marinas)
  • Farmers, certain employer groups and certain EIGs
  • Certain agricultural cooperatives and their unions
  • Craftsmen working either on contract for individuals, or on their own account with materials belonging to them, whether or not they have a sign or a shop, when they only use the competition for apprentices aged 20 years at the start of the apprenticeship
  • Taxi or ambulance drivers, owners or tenants of 1 or 2 cars, with a maximum of 7 seats (not counting the driver's seat), which they drive or manage themselves, provided that the 2 cars are not in service at the same time and that they respect the regulatory tariffs
  • Cooperatives and unions of cooperative societies of craftsmen, as we...Log in to see the rest ...
Business Tax Service
Legal entity of private law
Natural persons normally engaged in a self employed occupation
Calculation in progress...